Throughout the wintertime, you count on your furnace to work dependably and keep you protected from dangerously cold temperatures. When furnaces don’t work properly, it’s often due to electrical issues. At the first sign of trouble with your furnace, you’ll want to call in an experienced HVAC technician to conduct an inspection. At River City Heating & Air, our local HVAC company provides expert heating system repair in the greater Bismarck, ND area. Here are six common furnace electrical problems.
Bad Starting Capacitor
The furnace’s starting capacitor generates the burst of energy that gets the blower motor and fan going. If your starting capacitor isn’t working right, then electrical issues could arise that prevent your furnace from functioning dependably. Usually, starting capacitor problems can be addressed affordably and in little time.
Blower Motor Problem
If a faulty blower motor is drawing more power than it should, then a fuse could blow. Typically, this means that motor replacement will be necessary.
Contact with Water
A water leak near your furnace could lead to a short occurring.
Dirty Fuse
Dirty fuses can lead to failed connections. It’s a good idea to arrange semi-annual HVAC maintenance, during which the technician can look over fuses and make sure they’re the right
size, clean, and safe.
Clogged Filter
A clogged filter can result in a fuse burning out. In turn, this could pose a fire hazard, so it’s important that your filter is changed regularly. If your furnace is constantly running during the winter months, its filter should be changed on a monthly basis.
Loose Wire
Wires sometimes come loose due to vibrations in the furnace. An experienced HVAC technician can locate and address loose wires with relative ease.
Furnace Repair in Bismarck, ND
When you need heating system repair in Bismarck and the surrounding area, contact River City Heating & Air at (701) 561-0804. Our nearby HVAC company can expertly address any of your residential or commercial heating system needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!